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Custom Printed Appliances Boxes

Electrical and electronic appliances are necessary for household and kitchen chores. There are also other electrical items we use for styling and personal care. These are plugged into electrical sockets and use the current to operate.

Such products are sold in superstores and retail malls packed in sturdy Cardboard Boxes. The custom Appliances Boxes by us are made of a thick and heavy material because they need to support the often-sizeable electrical item's weight.

The box has the capacity and functional properties to contain the appliance and its additional accessories. There is extra space to keep the wiring tucked, so it does not tangle up with anything else.

All the Box Styles And Designs You Can Imagine

The boxes are made in different styles such as tuck-end for the small items with only one moving part such as the clothes iron. They can also come with sleeve inserts inside to hold a fragile item like the curling rod or hair straightener.

There are also large boxes made of rigid or corrugated cardboard for home appliances like microwaves and air fryers. These dimensions of the Custom Appliances Boxes are customizable, and you can order the packaging according to the size of your product.

Bespoke Printed Appliances Boxes With Stunning Print Quality

Unboxing a new appliance should be a breeze. Our custom appliance boxes can be printed with clear instructions on assembly and operation, ensuring a smooth user experience. Additionally, safety pictograms and warnings can be prominently displayed to prioritize user safety. We provide a positive first impression and peace of mind with informative and secure packaging.

Offset Printing On Any Packaging Material

Print Custom Boxes offers branding and offset printing services, as well. We can add logos and other information on the heaviest of cardboard to come out in crisp and sharp offset colours. Custom Appliances Boxes have the essential features of the item printed on the box in large letters to convince the buyer that a particular brand is better than the competitors. It is necessary that the information is visible to shoppers and sends the right message. We can also print a photograph of the item on the box, so the customer knows what is inside. When you hire Print Custom Boxes to manufacture your boxes and other packing materials, you get access to our complete range of services. We take care of everything from designing to proofreading. We handle every order with the same level of care, whether for a few units or an entire factory.